Black Mirror, an extension of Black Lives Matter, is a campaign led by Black activists and allies based in Berlin, Germany. We demand the dismantling and eradication of white supremacy and its power structures.

About us

We are Black political activists and allies based in Berlin, Germany, united against the scourge of any discrimination in particular anti-Black racism. We confront systemic oppression, challenge white supremacy, and demand justice. Our campaign exposes the daily injustices and microaggressions that Black people face. We seek to dismantle racist structures and create spaces where Black voices are heard and respected. Stand with us in the fight for sustainable justice. Power to the (black) people.

Our Mission

Our mission is to dismantle white supremacy in all its forms by advocating for racial equity, justice, and inclusion. We commit to challenging and eradicating systemic Anti-Black racism, white privilege, and institutional discrimination that perpetuate inequalities and harm Black.

Through grassroots activism, education, and community engagement, we aim to empower Black communities, amplify diverse voices, and create transformative change. We strive for a society where all individuals are valued equally, free from oppression, and able to live with dignity and respect.

Our efforts focus on:

  1. Raising Awareness: Educating individuals and   communities about the realities and impacts of white supremacy and racism.
  2. Advocacy and Policy Change: Pushing for legislative and policy reforms that promote racial justice and dismantle systemic barriers.
  3. Empowering Black Voices: Creating platforms for Black voices to be heard and ensuring their leadership in the fight for racial equity.
  4. Building Solidarity: Fostering alliances across diverse communities to unite against all forms of oppression.
  5. Promoting Healing and Reconciliation: Supporting restorative practices that address historical and ongoing racial injustices.

We envision a future where white supremacy is abolished, and every person, regardless of any socially constructed group , has the opportunity to thrive. Our commitment to this mission is unwavering, and we will continue to work tirelessly until justice and equality are realized for all.

How can you be in solidarity with us?

Join us in our mission to dismantle anti-Black racism and oppression. Your support is crucial in creating a world where Black lives are valued, respected, and empowered. Here are some ways you can help:

Educate Yourself

Take the initiative to learn about the history and impact of anti-Black racism. Attend our educational workshops, read recommended materials - Racism without Racists by Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, Whiteface by Candice Breitz, White fragility by Robin DiAngelo-  for starters, and engage in conversations about race and inequality. Share your knowledge with others to foster a more informed and empathetic community.

Spread the Word

Raise awareness about anti-Black racism and our mission by sharing our content on social media, talking to friends and family, and participating in public discussions. Use your platform to amplify Black voices and advocate for systemic change.


Offer your time and skills to support our work. Whether it's through organizing events, assisting with campaigns, or providing administrative support, your involvement makes a significant impact. We welcome volunteers from all backgrounds who are committed to racial justice and equity.

Did you know we have been recently attacked violently and indiscrimately by white vigilantes in our own living space?

Statement on M29 house project’s Racism and Illegal Eviction of Four of Its Members


This is a public statement from a group of four individuals who faced blatant discrimination and illegal eviction by the white German residents of the M29 house project. We are Black and trans people, struggling with precarious income and visa status in Germany. Our vocal pro-Palestinian stance, heavily criminalized in Germany, is central to our liberation struggle. The M29 house project has issued various conspiratorial statements (first statement and second statement) against us, and we are forced to publicly share our experience, despite still being in shock,  to expose the dangerous politics and social failures of M29, ensuring no other Black or Brown person endures such horrors in political communal spaces.


From its inception, the M29 house project has been plagued with racism and anti-Blackness. Founded by white German cis individuals, issues of white fragility, vigilantism, and anti-Black racism were embedded from the start. Some white residents have attempted to address their racism through the unpaid labor of their Black housemates and paid workshops. Despite the efforts of unpaid Black and Brown residents, including us, our concerns were ignored. Instead of confronting their racism and committing to lifelong anti-racist co-living, the white residents reacted with white vigilantism and fragility as it shows in their second conspiratorial public statement "We understand that we mobilize our power structures to be able to do that." (Second Statement House Project M29 – Hausprojekt M29, 2024, May 8). They often used their inherent racism as an excuse, making statements like, "How can I be anti-racist in a racist society?" and "You just seem not comfortable with me because of the color of my skin." They also said, "All of it (to become anti-racist) takes time to be processed. To me, the sense of urgency is a white, capitalist, and ableist concept." and "I am not a redneck. I am a radical leftist and I know what racism is." in response to why the house hasn’t been safe for Black people and specifically for the Black person who went on the hunger strike.

One of us documented over 60 pages of anti-Black racism experienced - Wilful Anti-Black Racism by Choice in M29 house project -  between May and July 2023, highlighting that M29 is structurally anti-Black racist. M29’s public statements using racialized identities to absolve themselves are disgusting. We won’t fall for this insidious trap.

Racist and transmisogyny incidents and daily microaggressions are too numerous to detail here. One major escalation involved one of us going on a hunger strike to highlight the oppression faced in the house, an incident well-documented by an independent black anti-racist association. 

Recently, one of us painted a pro-Palestinian slogan on the building’s facade. Although M29 claims to support Palestinian liberation, some white German residents deemed the slogan offensive, threatening to call the police. The police arrived on May 5th, erased the slogan, and one of the white German residents who deemed the slogan offensive facilitated their entry, threatening further “100” police action. It is unacceptable for white German residents to claim to be pro-Palestinian while policing our language by German government censorship standards. Following the police raid, we called comrades and friends, issuing a call on social media to keep us safe in the last room we thought was safe while figuring out what was happening. The white German residents used this as another excuse to escalate. An eviction notice citing anti-Semitism — which is often wrongly weaponized by the German state and similar regimes to suppress free speech, particularly targeting Palestinian, Black, Brown, and Jewish voices— and other malicious allegations were issued by housemates to other housemates who are deemed a minority in number rather than opinion. The house project’s statement only acknowledges Palestinian suffering without recognizing it as genocide.The house projects statement here on the matter says it all

Shame on those who criminalize us while claiming to be a safe space for racialized and marginalized people. Your leftist politics mean nothing without commitment to protecting each other from any oppression including state oppression, not just the select few deemed respectable and worthy.

On May 7th, without prior notice, two of us woke up to an eviction notice taped to our door, giving us four days to leave. This was illegal under German law, which requires a minimum three-month notice and a court order for eviction.  In the meantime, white residents, joined by over tens of unfamiliar people, had a party, waving copy of the eviction notices in our faces, intimidating and outnumbering us. This level of humiliation is beyond disgusting, especially from a self-proclaimed leftist household.

How dare you push us out of our home with only four days’ notice which you didn’t even adhere to? How dare you celebrate such violence while we scramble for legal, financial, and emotional support? On the night of May 9th, once again unfamiliar white masked individuals with riot gear tried to forcefully evict us, pushing against us with objects, including woods with rusted screws/nails. The police, called twice, abused us, telling us we had no rights and issuing a restraining order, displacing us with all our belongings, including life-saving medications, left behind.

Our belongings were illegally packed and stored by the same white people who kicked us out by violence. The white German residents, along with a "Person of Color" (who admitted last summer, with evidence, to intentionally exposing a highly infectious disease to a Black baby under a year old — while protecting the rest of the house, mostly the white residents, from the infection per doctor's instructions. an incident that triggered one of us to go on a hunger strike — claimed victimhood. This "Person of Color" openly believes in reverse racism and accuses Black people of "playing the race card" when complaining about anti-Black racism. They labeled us as perpetrators of violence and unsafety, stating we are "unfit to live in a community like M29 due to our deplorable mental state."

We never called that person a "black baby killer"—which they seem to be using to create a confusing narrative which is prevalent in their so-called statements and evade accountability both personal and at the communal level. Instead, we accurately described the incident as an intent to harm a vulnerable Black baby, and the house collectively agreed with us at the time while downplaying the impact such as this statement - the person who intended to hurt that baby “... is aware that hugging the kid was a mistake.”

The imbalance of power, privilege, and cultural and financial capital must be addressed. Our efforts to create a buffer zone from their violence and abuse by retreating to the furthest available rooms to keep ourselves safe were twisted into reasons for the white residents to claim victimhood. This is an abuse of power and a racist projection.

We have supporting evidence for all the arguments and facts mentioned in this statement. We are prepared to present this evidence in any justice tribunal, whether it be restorative, transformative, or punitive.



  1. Preservation of Evidence: Immediate preservation of all house mailing list emails, financial records, legal contracts, group chat messages, media, and similar data as evidence. Non-compliance is illegal under GDPR, especially amidst conflicts involving M29 Hausprojekt GmbH members.
  2. Return to Residence: Immediate reinstatement to the house where we have resided legally and morally.
  3. Return of Belongings: Immediate return of our belongings to our rooms from which they were taken without consent.
  4. Public Acknowledgement: Public acknowledgment of the anti-Black racist and transmisogynistic actions by M29 white German residents.
  5. Anti-Discrimination Training: Implementation of anti-racist and anti-discrimination training and policies within M29, led by black and trans professionals.
  6. Accountability: Holding accountable those responsible for the illegal eviction and associated abuses.

Justice must be served. Solidarity is essential to ensure no other Black or Brown person endures such experiences in any political communal space.

How can you support us?

 Offer your expertise such as law, education, healthcare, or mental health to support our initiatives. Pro bono work and consulting can greatly enhance our capacity to serve Black communities effectively.




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